continuous: adj.1.连续的,继续的,无间断的。2.【植物;植物学】无节的。短语和例子a continuous current 恒(向电)流。 continuous fire 连续射击。 continuous rain 连绵不断的雨。 a continuous train of thoughts 一连串的思想。 a continuous wave (radar) 等幅波(雷达)。ad
This paper calculated the maximum mean velocity of wind and correspondences fluctuating wind continuous chart in duration of 100 years using greatest table sequence record in 10 minutes every month ( 3 ~ 5years ) in the basis of service life of the designed bridge and more probability 本文从实际风速时程记录开始,利用短期( 3 5年)连续的10分钟月最大时程记录,在一定保证率下,按照小样本推算极值的方法,推算100年一遇的平均风速以及在此基础上的脉动风时程。